The Musician

Magic realism novel about music and traditional Brazilian culture

I received a copy of this eBook courtesy of the publicist.

Image is of “The Musician” by Heloisa Prieto. The eBook cover is of colourful silhouettes of a park bench, a young girl with long flowing hair, plants, a guitarist sitting on a fountain and people dancing around him in indigo, green and apricot.

“The Musician” by Heloisa Prieto is a magic realism novel about a young man called Thomas who has a secret ability to see and hear musical creatures. They inspire his music which has a profound impact on those around him who hear it. However, when Thomas is invited to dinner with the mysterious Dr Alonso and his daughter Dora, his new friends are worried that something sinister is going on. Led by Marlui, a young Guarani woman, Thomas’ new friends are determined to rescue him and help him realise his true potential.

This is a gentle story about friendship, music, the environment and traditional Guarani culture. It is a character and conversation-driven book with a lot of philosophical conversations. Prieto’s writing is full of appreciation for natural beauty and the human connection that is generated through music. The story is strongly inspired by the myths of Orpheus, a recurrent theme throughout the book.

However, while there were plenty of characters, dialogue and new relationships formed throughout this book, ultimately it felt like there was no tension or compelling plot to drive it along. Events seemed to just unfold, and even a daring rescue had the wind taken out of its sails by freedom just happening. Thomas’ character development and new appreciation for his abilities and indigenous knowledge alone wasn’t enough to keep the story engaging.

Some beautiful writing and ideas, but not enough conflict to propel the story.

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Filed under Advanced Reading Copies, Book Reviews, eBooks, Magic Realism

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